Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 9 is out and available here.
Here are contents of this issue that explores some of Cavell’s intellectual debts to Hegel, edited by Moses Estrada-Alvarez:
Editorial Comment: “Cavell and Dialectic”, Moses Estrada-Alvarez (University of Leeds)
“Cavell and the Achievement of Selfhood”, Richard Eldridge (Swarthmore College)
“Against ‘Finitude’: How Understanding That We Are Not Only Finite Beings Can Help Cure Both Skepticism and Its Discontents”, Rupert Read (University of East Anglia)
“‘The Claim of Reason’ as a Study of the Human Voice”, Sandra Laugier (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
“Hegel and Cavell on Meaning and Sublation”, Andrew Norris (University of California, Santa Barbara)
“Some Notes on Philosophy and Redemption: Adorno And Cavell”, Martin Shuster (Goucher College)
“Cavell on Color”, Byron Davies (University of the Cloister of Sor Juana/Autonomous University of Guerrero)
“Philosophy of Mind Becomes Aesthetics: Cavell and Dialectics”, Moses Estrada-Alvarez