A Flor do Pensamento


Falando em Mestrados 2024




I'm honoured to be a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the renewed Aion: Journal of Philosophy and Science, hosted and published by the University of Kansas Libraries. I’m thankful to Olga Pombo for the invitation.

After being suspended for two years, the new Kairos website is now publicly available here. A call for papers for the June 2024 issue has been posted here.

Falando em Mestrados 2023


Conversations 10


Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 10 is out and available here.

Here are contents of this issue on Cavell and Kuhn:

Editorial Comment: “Cavell and Kuhn”, Brad Tabas (ENSTA Bretagne) and Paul Jenner (Loughborough University)

1. “The Question of the New: Wittgenstein, Kuhn, Cavell”, Toril Moi (Duke University)

2. “The ‘New’ in Science and Art: Explorations into the Two-Culture Divide through Kuhnian-Cavellian Thought”, Arya Mohan (The English and Foreign Languages University)

3. “Autonomy, Constitutivity, Exemplars, Paradigms”, Timur Uçan (Bordeaux Montaigne University)

4. “A Willingness for Crisis: Cavell and Kuhn”, Paul Jenner

5. “From Automatism to Autonomy”, Ruochen Bo (University of Toronto)

6. “The Claim of Reason in a Planetary Age: Martian Objects and Ordinary Language”, Brad Tabas


Conversations: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9

Merleau-Ponty: Institution / Ontology / Politics


More information, programme and abstracts can be found here.

Falando em Mestrados 2022


Conversations 9


Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 9 is out and available here.

Here are contents of this issue that explores some of Cavell’s intellectual debts to Hegel, edited by Moses Estrada-Alvarez:

Editorial Comment: “Cavell and Dialectic”, Moses Estrada-Alvarez (University of Leeds)

“Cavell and the Achievement of Selfhood”, Richard Eldridge (Swarthmore College)

“Against ‘Finitude’: How Understanding That We Are Not Only Finite Beings Can Help Cure Both Skepticism and Its Discontents”, Rupert Read (University of East Anglia)

“‘The Claim of Reason’ as a Study of the Human Voice”, Sandra Laugier (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

“Hegel and Cavell on Meaning and Sublation”, Andrew Norris (University of California, Santa Barbara)

“Some Notes on Philosophy and Redemption: Adorno And Cavell”, Martin Shuster (Goucher College)

“Cavell on Color”, Byron Davies (University of the Cloister of Sor Juana/Autonomous University of Guerrero)

“Philosophy of Mind Becomes Aesthetics: Cavell and Dialectics”, Moses Estrada-Alvarez


Conversations: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8

Uma Conversa sobre o LIPA - Laboratório de Investigação e Práticas Artísticas


Conversations 8


Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 8 is out and available here.

The managing editors of the journal sign the editorial comment. Here is the list of great articles that this issue on philosophical dispensations of seeing the world in a “mooded” way has to offer:

Editorial Comment: “Feeling It”, Amir Khan (Dalian Maritime University) and Sérgio Dias Branco (University of Coimbra)

“The Mood of the World”, Andrew Norris (University of California, Santa Barbara)

“Getting to the Heart of It: Cavell, Philosophy and What Matters”, Brad Tabas (École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées de Bretagne)

“Knowing the Skeptic: The Underground and the Everyday”, Michael McCreary (Johns Hopkins University)

“Where Are Our Words?: A Mythic Reply to Cavell’s Mythology”, Charles Djordjevic (St. Olaf College)

“Marriage as Madness: Love Crazy and the Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage”, Lucas Thompson (The University of Sydney)

“Friends and Strangers: A Conversation”, Rex Butler (Monash University) and Catherine Wheatley (King’s College London)


Conversations: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7