Figurações do Corpo e da Identidade Criativa / Media, Dispositivos e Operações na Arte Contemporânea


Conversations 3


The third issue of Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies has been published today. This issue concentrates on the connections between Stanley Cavell and history. The contents may be downloaded here or, alternatively, here:

“Cavell and History: Editorial Comment”, Sérgio Dias Branco and Amir Khan

(And if cinema can do what Kant could not do, then where does that place us?): Five Remarks on Two of Stanley Cavell’s Parenthetical Questions, or, The Remains of the Spectator’s Condition”, Miguel Gomes Amorim

“Romantic Affinities?: Cavell on Opera, Film, and the Claim of Expression”, João Pedro Cachopo (Nova University of Lisbon)

“Cavell and Hume on Skepticism, Natural Doubt, and the Recovery of the Ordinary”, Peter Fosl (Transylvania University)

“American Experience: Cavell’s Paths to Film and Transcendentalism”, Rachel Malkin (University of Oxford)

“The ‘War,’ the ‘Troops,’ and the Grammar of ‘Support’”, Robert W. Tate (Duke University)


Conversations: 1 · 2